Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a software design pattern that allows you to think about problems in terms of objects and their interactions. OOP is typically done with classes or with prototypes. Most languages that implement OOP (e.g., Java, C++, Ruby, Python) use class-based inheritance. JavaScript implements OOP via Prototypal inheritance. In this article, I’m going to show you how to use both approaches for OOP in JavaScript, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches of OOP and introduce an alternative for OOP for designing more modular and scalable applications.

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What I love most about programming is the problem solving. I don’t believe anyone is born with problem solving skills. It’s a muscle that is built and sustained by repeated exercise. Like any exercise, there’s a set of guidelines to help you be more effective at developing your problem solving muscles. I will introduce 5 of the most important software design principles that have guided my problem solving process and show you how to apply these principles to solve a real problem.

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Nothing strikes more anxiety and self-doubt than the dreaded job interview. The thought of participating in an activity designed for the sole purpose of evaluating your worth and the potential for rejection is enough to discourage many people from applying to jobs for which they lack all of the qualifications requested by the job posting. While qualification is important to accomplish the advertised job, it is not everything an employer looks for in a person they want to hire to be a part of the team, to grow with the company and help the company grow. The goal of this article is to provide a guide based on my personal experience for how to prepare for getting offers from jobs for which you don’t have all the qualifications.

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JavaScript is one of the most popular and versatile languages today, but when Brandon Eich first created JavaScript in 1995, it was not recognized as a general purpose programming language. JavaScript only ran in the browser and was primarily used to enhance the user interfaces of website (e.g., animation, effects upon hover), thus tightly coupled with the Data Object Model (DOM). In recent years, JavaScript has gotten a lot more useful as a general purpose language as it can be run independently from the DOM and browser. Additionally, JavaScript has also has gotten very sophisticated with the introduction of ES6 and ES7. With that, let’s take a look at how JavaScript can be used to solve fundamental problems in computer science. Specifically, let’s look at how to write algorithms and leverage data structures to help us solve problems using JavaScript.

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This is a cheatsheet of all the git commands that I’ve ever used in my career as a programmer and contributor of open source projects. I’m not a git power user (I use about three commands on a daily basis). From time to time, I still use this cheatsheet to for a quick lookup of a special command.

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Xiaoyun Yang

Software Engineer. Climber. Snowboarder.

Software Engineer

New York